14 (Fourteen) seeds per pack. With each order you will get both flower and vegetable seeds to help attract Nature's pollinators and decrease food instability.

You choose half pack (8 REGULAR SEEDS ) FREEBIE with each order! The more you purchase, the more HALF PACK FREEBIES.


****FOR MORE CBD HEMP STRAINS AVAILABLE, SEND US A MESSAGE. afterthoughtautos01@gmail.com

  1. Abacus x Otto II (~18% CBD, <0.3 thc)
  2. AC/DC x White CGG (14 %CBD/ 11% CBG, ~5% THC)
  3. AVIDEKEL Israeli x TRANQUIL AUTO CBD hybrid (~17% CBD <0.3 THC)
  4. BoAx x Abacus (~18% CBD, <0.3 thc)
  5. BUBBA KUSH ~17% CBD, <0.3 thc)
  6. Cherry Wine x Otto (~15% CBD <0.3% thc)
  7. Chinese hemp x SSDD (~ 8% CBD/ 14% thc)
  8. Mullaways (8% thc) x Blueberry (~ 15% CBD/ 14% thc)
  9. Mullaways x Cherry Wine/Otto (11% thc/ ~15% CBD)
  10. PIVOTAL MOMENT Critical Mass 1:1 CBD/thc ~ 15% each
  11. P-3(Pink Pistol Pheno) x OTTO II (~ 19%+ CBD, <0.3% thc)
  12. P-3 Hemp (~20% CBD, 0.3% thc)
  13. TRANQUIL x EURO AUTO (~ 18% CBD, 0.3% thc finishes 90 days)